Finally, Stop Worrying About Food Allergies at School
This comprehensive template is your toolkit for more food allergy safety and less stress about school.

It's not too late to talk to your school about food allergies.
Finally, Stop Worrying About Food Allergies at School
This comprehensive template is your toolkit for more food allergy safety and less stress about school.
It's not too late to talk to your school about food allergies.
Food allergy safety at school or daycare can't fall through the cracks because it could mean anaphylaxis. Even so, food allergy education usually falls on parent's shoulders.
So how will you educate the school and staff before you leave your child with them?
This school allergy plan template gives you a thorough and clear list of questions & scenarios to discuss so you can feel confident leaving your child.
This template was 13 years and over 100 hours in the making...
But it's available for you to use NOW.
After using it, you'll know your child's teacher & school are prepared so you can relax.
Lowering stress and anxiety will help your child focus on learning and making friends instead of food allergies.
That's priceless.
Researching on your own is causing you to miss so much because you don't know what you don't know. It's time to get the full story from someone with proven experience.
After using this template, you'll know that you've done your best to help your school or childcare manage food allergies wisely. You'll feel more confident leaving your child with them.
Grab it now, it's not too late to talk to your teacher and school about food allergies.
Navigating food allergies at school is tough because...
Worrying about a severe reaction when you're not there is super stressful.
But even if your teacher & school handle food allergies well, without this template, the little things can become frustrating too!
For example...
The teacher sends an email the day before with a last-minute request for safe treats so your child can be included in the class event.
Of course, you would do anything for your child, but a little notice would help you shop for ingredients and bake without staying up past midnight to get it done! This can happen several times per year.
All this stress and frustration can be avoided using this organized template.
It's not too late to talk to your teacher and school about food allergies.
With This School Allergy Plan Template, You'll
Increase Food Allergy Safety & Confidence
You can be confident you're tackling what's important without forgetting anything! Everything is clear and organized so you get your thoughts across and be heard so your child's safety and inclusion are prioritized, which will keep them safer!
Having a template from an outside source will prove your food allergy requests are reasonable and doable.
Increase Cooperation
Start off on the right foot with clear expectations. Just print and review the fully organized lists and make your own adjustments. Then meet with your teacher, principal, daycare, and/or school nurse.
You'll start a positive relationship and open the door to clear communication & cooperation all year.
Save Time & Money
No need to prep for weeks or years! You'll have the perfect meeting talking points without hours of research. I estimate that I've spent at least 8 hours/year refining this template. That's 104 hours over 13 years!
At an average minimum wage, that's saving you over $754.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Euismod mi, cras viverra augue. Volutpat aenean pulvinar integer ut vel. Fringilla massa integer porttitor.
Does this sound awesome? If so, then this template is for you!
ON SALE for a limited time.
“I bought your course and it was so helpful!
I was able to meet with the Principal and Nurse and get them on our side. It helped them understand food allergies better. We were able to get all of his accommodations met once they understood why they were needed.
It was a huge win!"
-Lindsay M.
“This template is exactly what I've been looking for! It's incredibly helpful, clear, organized, and helps me be sure I've got all of my thoughts across in a kind and calm manner.
Many thanks!"
-Carissa M.
“This template is incredible. It's so thorough and will be very helpful when I meet with Emma's teacher this fall. Thank you again for creating this. I'll use it for many years to come!"
-Lise V.
Can you create your own food allergy school plan?
It's not too late to talk to your teacher and school about food allergies.
ONLY $34 right now.
That's less than $3/year of school.
Want to ask specific questions about your situation, or get encouragement so you don't feel so alone before you your school meeting?
You CAN! - Just add a Q&A Session for only $100 $25.
You will be asked if you want this special bonus after you input your payment details.
*TODAY ONLY* - Get your teacher onboard from the start.
With the School Success Pack, you'll get an email template for teachers that breaks through the food allergy misconceptions & objections PLUS step-by-step videos showing how to explain the severity of food allergies AND links for trusted scientific studies to prove your points.
You'll use this EVERY year, with every new teacher.
*BONUS* You can use what you learn for teachers, but also birthday parties, coaches, Sunday school, summer camps, activity leaders, AND more!
Regularly $34, but only $15 (OVER 50% off) when purchased with the School Food Allergy Template TODAY ONLY.
All prices in USD
It's not too late to talk to your teacher and school about food allergies.
How Does This Work?
STEP 4: Use the Template to feel confident every single year your child is in school. You'll be saving so much worry and stress over many years of school!
It's not too late to talk to your teacher and school about food allergies.
Being A Food Allergy Parent is Hard.
You know how important it is for your child's teacher and school to understand food allergies. Of course, you can figure this out on your own.
*Scholarships may be available for those in financial need.
Email to request an application.